Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our Visitors Today

This morning we had our visitors from the McKnight Foundation visit. We had 4 visitors plus my PEK Coach Allison. They spend 30 minutes getting a tour of my child care, meeting the children, watching small group and asking questions about how the PEK Program has changed my child care.

The kids were FANTASTIC. I did small group with Devin, Morgan, Kayla and Cleo. We read our small book "Life Cycle of a Butterfly". We also had small life cycle pieces of a butterfly, and we matched the pieces with the words. The children then picked a word to write in their book.

I have to say that I think the visitors were impressed with our child care and the children that have benefited from the PEK Program. I know that this program has made many changes in my child care, with the start of working towards my CDA. May marks the last meeting I will have with the PEK Program, but I will be keeping what I have learned in use though my child care. My Next step is going to start this coming Sat., when I attend an orientation on MN Quality Ratng Sytem. This is a new progam sponsored by Resources for Child Caring that will rate family child care homes. I am striving for a 4 star rating. :)
I'll of course keep you informed of how things are going for this.
Also a special thanks to the parents that gave me some feed back for the PEK Program. I printed it up and gave a copy to each visitor today. They were happy to see the comments.
Thanks again.... It was a good day. :)

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